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Art theraphy - painting the pressure off your soul

Art therapy

In addition to psychotherapeutic support, we offer various art therapy methods that enrich our holistic concept. Art therapy gives every patient the opportunity to become active themselves and to actively participate in their healing process.

We cordially invite all patients to take advantage of these offers - it is not a matter of painting as beautifully or artistically as possible - nothing is judged in art therapy. Rather, inner and previously hidden things may be expressed here in a playful and spontaneous way. This has a liberating and at the same time enlightening effect, because inner processes can be made conscious here.

In the Hufeland Klinik you can choose from the following offers, depending on your inclination:

  • Painting therapy

  • Expressive painting

  • Work on the clay field

Painting therapy - pictures as the language of the soul

Painting therapy helps you to (re)discover the joy of painting and dealing with colors. It helps you to playfully free yourself from inner pressures and excessive demands on yourself and thus overcome creative inhibitions.

Since the pictures are like a mirror for the soul, they help you to self-knowledge. Thus they can express inner processes and have a healing effect. No previous artistic knowledge is needed. Anyone can do it!


The process:

Painting therapy takes place in small groups (max. six people). We begin with a meditative introduction. Using liquid watercolors (plant-based), we embark on a journey of discovery into our own inner world in spontaneous, playful painting. From this, under therapeutic guidance, mood images emerge that are not viewed or even evaluated according to aesthetic standards. In individual sessions with the art therapist, Mrs. Hofmann-Klingert, you will be given the opportunity to discuss and process your experiences gained while painting.

Expression painting "Painting the pressure off your soul".

For whom is expression painting recommended?

For anyone who feels the need to paint a burden off their mind. For all those who want to express themselves unrestrictedly while painting. And for all those who want to embark on the adventure of a journey into the inner world of images and discover their own inner wisdom.

The process:

In expressive painting we work in small groups (max. of six people). We paint with opaque colors, on large sheets of paper on the wall. With brushes, sponges or even the hands can be painted to your heart's content, blotted or smeared. Everyone may express themselves here in their own personal way and without regard to aesthetic criteria.

The resulting picture represents a station on your way into your hidden depths and, as you move on, becomes the starting point for the next one. On this path you will be individually accompanied and supported by the art therapist.

Work on the clay field

The method ARBEIT AM TONFELD was founded and developed by Professor Heinz Deuser in 1972. Today it is used in an irreplaceable way in the pedagogical and therapeutic field. Experience shows that the work on the clay field is often experienced as very intense.

Through the material clay, on the one hand the relationship to the earth is strengthened, on the other hand the contact to oneself. Thus, work on the clay field helps to develop a better sense of self and sets in motion clarifying and healing processes.


The process:

Work on the clay field takes place in individual sessions. A flat wooden box, filled with soft, malleable clay and smoothed. In addition, a bowl of water. Two people: One enters into a grasping, acting and creatively shaping contact with the material, expressing his relationship to the world and to himself - the other (the therapist) accompanies this process.

Depending on one's own possibilities and wishes, the material clay can be touched and perceived with the hands, explored and shaped. If possible, the eyes remain closed, so that the optical imagination recedes and the sense of touch can unfold freely. The limited field provides support for the perceiving hands, the flat surface offers free space. The malleable material absorbs every touch and allows for shaping and transformation. Important is the encouragement and the presence of the companion.

Do you have questions about art therapy?

We are looking forward to your inquiry. We are happy to answer all your questions about art therapy.

Contact us

Write us a message or call +49 7931 536-0